Gustavo Ramos Rivera | Michael Cutlip
Uninhibited Conversations
March 20 - April 22, 2018
Artists' Reception March 20, 5:30 - 7:30pm
Uninhibited Conversations

Gustavo Ramos Rivera

"Gustavo Ramos Rivera is an artist who surprises, delights and sometimes overwhelms the uninitiated with his extraordinarily exuberant and colorful works.  Ramos Rivera is probably the least premeditated artist I have ever encountered.  His is not an art of calculation, but that of an artist whose activity involves making his inner feelings visible through the application and arrangement of color and line."

--Robert Johnson
Curator, Museum of Modern Art San Francisco

Michael Cutlip

"After photography, collage is the most democratic modern art technique. Stuff piles up in everyone’s life and memory, but few, even among collage makers, can reorder it as artfully as... Michael Cutlip... The trick for the collage artist is not only to gather material with creative nerve endings exposed but to assemble it in ways true to our experience of perpetually interrupted observation and recall...note how well he handles his objects’ edges, often the least resolved zone of the collagist’s art.  Adhering collage elements to panels on which he can also paint, Cutlip gives just the right heft to his compositions, a balancing act that many who work in this vein never perfect."

--Kenneth Baker, Art Critic SF Chronicle

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